

发表时间:2024-05-07 14:22作者:灿烂中国

2023年,视频号一封来自大洋彼岸的私信,开启了Lovaut 洛沃儿童基金会创建者Jinghan Zhang女士,运用心蓝天儿童成长中心指导课程为当地自闭症孩子做家庭干预训练的序幕。这是Zhang女士一家在世界范围内苦寻干预方案多年后,帮扶儿童干预成果进入新阶段的标志性事件。

Zhang创办Lovaut 洛沃儿童基金会多年,对美国新奥尔良和其他州县的自闭症儿童和家庭的沉痛遭遇深感同情,便迫切希望邀请张教练访问新奥尔良,为当地的自闭症儿童及其家庭成员进行讲座及短期培训研讨会,并与当地自闭症治疗机构交流中美治疗方法的异同,并以Lovaut 洛沃儿童基金会名义想心蓝天儿童成长中心发出邀请,为张教练美国签证申请提供必要的帮助。

对此,张教练表示,后续访问美国Lovaut 洛沃儿童基金会的活动将非常有意义,这必将成为两国自闭症干预机构开启相互学习的大好时机。



Dear Mr.Tiezhong Zhang,

I would like to invite you to visit New Orleans for presenting lectures, short termtraining seminars to the local autistic children and their family members, aswell as communicating with the local autism therapy facilities with thesimilarity and difference of treatment methods between China and the UnitedStates. These events will be very meaningful and will be great opportunities forthe autism therapy facilities on both countries to learn from each other.

Since l have seen your videos on social media about the progresses that manyautistic children have made based on your methods, l think that it will be worthit to make the plan stated above happened. Hope this letter will providenecessary assistance for your U.S. visa application.